Sunday, November 24, 2019

CAPE COD - Massachusetts

Cape Cod - a peninsula in Massachusetts, a favorite vacation spot not only ordinary Americans, but also the country's political elite. And in recent years - a very popular destination among “Russian” Americans.

The capital of Cape Cod, the city of Hyannis, attracts tourists with a small museum dedicated to the most popular president of America, John F. Kennedy.

A great lover of relaxation on Cape Cod, he even signed the law on the nationalization and preservation of the coastal zone in 1961, for which the locals are still grateful to him - after all, almost 65 kilometers of the National Landscape Reserve, which includes untouched forests and “wild” beaches with white sand, sand dunes attract many vacationers and literally “feed” the entire peninsula all year round.

Cape Cod is considered a model of such a quiet one-story America, which is largely facilitated by successfully established historical circumstances. It was here in the 17th century that the first settlers from England sailed. On Cape Cod, they cultivate their rich history, preserving 200-year-old houses, restoring ancient signs at establishments, the appearance of houses and streets is strictly regulated here. The main principle of the Cape - everything should look like 200 years ago: houses trimmed with shingles, discreet signs, no neon and light effects, flower pots even on the beaches, in general, simple, even rustic beauty.

Hyannis is one of the oldest lighthouses on the entire peninsula. It was built in the 19th century and is still privately owned.
Lighthouses and untouched civilization “wild” beaches with white sand - this is the main attraction of the peninsula.

An interesting fact: the American Cape Cod Peninsula is now inextricably linked with Joseph Brodsky, who wrote in 1975 the poem Lullaby of the Cod Cape.

Cape Cod is more than history and the resort - it’s also the people who live there - hospitable, open, warm-hearted and witty Americans who always say with a smile: We have everything OK. ”
And you believe them ...

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