Monday, August 3, 2020

ABOUT OUR LIFE - unknown - inspirational



Once a sage, standing in front of his disciples, did the following. He took a large glass jar and filled it to the brim with large stones. Having done this, he asked the disciples if the vessel was full. All confirmed that it was full. Then the sage took a box with small stones, poured it into the vessel and gently shook it several times.

Pebbles rolled into the gaps between the large stones and filled them. After that, he again asked the disciples if the vessel was now full. They again confirmed - the fact is complete. Finally, the sage took a box of sand from the table and poured it into the vessel. The sand of course filled the last gaps in the vessel. “Now,” the sage addressed to his disciples, “I would like you to be able to recognize your life in this vessel!

Large stones represent important things in life: your family, your loved one, your health, your children - those things that, even without everything else, can still fill your life. Small stones represent less important things, such as your job, your apartment, your house, or your car.

The sand symbolizes the little things of life, everyday vanity. If you fill your vessel with sand first, then there will be no room for larger stones. Likewise in life: if you spend all your energy on small things, then there will be nothing left for big things. Therefore, pay attention first of all to important things, find time for your children and loved ones, watch your health. You still have plenty of time for work, for home, for celebrations, and everything else.

“Watch out for your big stones - only they have a price, everything else is just sand. "

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