Friday, March 27, 2020

"GOD DOESN'T HEAR ME" - by Greta Zwaan


by  Greta Zwaan

When prayers go unanswered and things don't go right
Do you think God's forgotten? You're out of His sight?
You need His assistance but He isn't there;
You're just a nuisance and He doesn't care.

You're tackling a problem but haven't a clue;
It's out of your league but what do you do?
You've tried every angle but always fall short
You bring it to God and give a report;

But His door doesn't open; you get no reply,
It seems He can't hear you but you don't know why.
You desperately need Him; you've nowhere to turn;
Your cries an your pleadings God seems to spurn.

Oh, how can you reach Him? Why doesn't He hear?
Your heart breaks with anguish, you're life's filled with fear.
You sit in the stillness; you have no more hope,
Your tears are all spent, you simply can't cope.

The stillness is deafening, and a small voice you hear;
"My child, I've been listening, I've always been near.
You carried your burden but tried it alone,
Your prayers were for answers you thought were not shown;
But My ways are different from what you request,
Through testings and trials My ways are still best.

I'm here, right beside you, and I'll see you through,
Be patient, be trusting, I'm still holding you.
You haven't walked in this darkness and fear
That I wasn't with you, that I wasn't here.

Remember My love, remember I care,
I hear every cry; I hear you in prayer.
My answer is coming though not always clear,
Trust Me My child for I'll always be near."

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